Lynn Manning, 35, of 334 Maryland Ave., was caught by correction officers Wednesday night when she tried to bring a "plug" containing numerous methadone pills into the prison, according to state police.

A "plug" is a small packet sealed with either tape or made from the tied end of a balloon in which contraband can be smuggled into the prison by inmates, authorities explained.
Investigators did not identify Manning, who teaches sixth grade English, as a teacher in a press release issued Friday morning about the incident. After calls from and other media, however, school officials confirmed the teacher's arrest.
Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas, who serves as chairman of the Board of School Committee, said he, along with Assistant Superintendent Karen Burkush and the school district's human resources representative, went to Hillside this morning to address the issue.
Burkush and Principal Stephen J. Donohue removed Manning from the classroom.
Gatsas said he will meet Monday with School District Superintendent Thomas Brennan, who was out of town Friday, and a decision will be made concerning Manning's employment.
Prison spokesman Jeff Lyons said correction officers received information that Manning was bringing contraband with her Wednesday to the prison and confronted her when she arrived. She was told to turn out her pockets which turned up the drugs, according to Lyons.
He declined to identify who Manning was visiting, explaining prison officials treat all prisoner visiting lists as confidential information.
No one else was arrested, although the state police investigation is continuing.
Manning is charged with three felonies: delivery of article to prisoners, possession of a narcotic drug and possession of a narcotic drug with the intent to distribute.
She is free on $30,000 personal recognizance bail with a May 7 arraignment date in Concord District Court.
Manning made news in 2001 when she was a first-year, eighth-grade science teacher at Parkside Middle School.
She filed a sexual assault complaint against then-principal Michael Rooney alleging he touched her inappropriately at her house the night of Nov. 30, 2001.
Rooney, Manning and several other teachers went out drinking that night and an intoxicated Rooney ended up spending the night at Manning's home, according to a police investigation of the incident.
Rooney resigned but Manning asked police to close the investigation about a month after filing the complaint saying she believed the matter was being handled properly by the school board and her attorney.